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  • Introduction


    The aim of Prism Group's Pharma Division is to meet our customer's entire requirement, applying the best technology and automatizing of the process, ensuring reliability, ease of use and long life the investment. A wide range of Process machinery is created by the Company based in Ahmedabad, India. With an ever increasing presence in the Process Machinery for Laboratory, Pilot & Production scale for Powder, Liquid and Ointment processing for Research and Development, Pharmaceuticals, Biotech, Nutraceuticals, Cosmetic, Foods, Dairy, Bakery, Confectionery, Agro Chemical, Chemical, Herbals, Paint, Ceramics, Catalysts and Pharma Institutes.

    The Prism Pharma Machinery is having world's largest range for process equipments. The company is known for innovative manufacturer for processing system for drying, granulating, mixing, milling, size reducing, blending, tabletting, coating, pelletizing, pellet coating, stirring, homogenizing, Vacuumised mixing, filtration, evaporation, containment, material conveying, cleaning and fermentation as well as process integration and process automation service. Prism focuses on specialized mechanical engineering, especially process engineering and equipment along with automation engineering.

    We sincerely would like express our thanks to our customers for supporting and affection. PRISM has been and will be working more closely with all its precious customers and partner companies, keeping deep in mind the fact that sharing efforts makes sharing fruits.

    The philosophy of PRISM, "Customer First", reflects our goals to create the most innovated products that can release our customers from simple, repetitive and routine works and get them to do more valuable production.

    We strive to not only provide quality products, but also become your genuine partner in your work required the high productivity.

Happy Clients and lots more year ahead will be added.

Projects of unsurpassed products and services to the clients.

Support To embrace new technologies and methods.

Hard Workers provide high quality service to customers.

Vacuum Mixer Dryer * Vacuum Shelf Tray Dryer * High Speed Rotary Tablet Press * Single Sided Rotary Tablet Press * Rotary Tableting Machine * Tablet Machine * Tablet Compression Machine * Auto Coater * Tablet Film Coating System * Sugar Coating Pan * Lab Auto Coater * Stirrer Agitator * Vacuum Ultra Mixer * Ointment Manufacturing Plant * Cream Manufacturing Plant * Tooth Paste Manufacturing Plant * Gel Manufacturing Plant * Homogenizer * Vessels Storage Tank * Preparation Vessels * Oral Liquid Manufacturing Plant * Cip Wip Washing System * Tippler * Vacuum Conveying System * Dust Extractor * V Shape Blender Mixer * Octagonal Blender Mixer * Double Cone Blender Mixer * Fluid Bed Coater * Top Spray Granulation * Fluid Bed Equipments * Pellets Coater * Pellets Extruder * Axial Screw Powder Extruder * Rapid Mixer Granulator * Sigma Mixer Kneader * Sigma Mixer Extruder * Continuous Paddle Mixer * Atomized Spraying System For Tablet Coating * Automatic Coating Machinery * Automatic Tablet Coater Film And Sugar Coating * Automatic Tablet Coating * Blenders Double Cone Blender * Capsule Polishing * Centrifuge * Coal Tableting Machinery * Coating Pan * Communiting Mill * Cone Mill * Container Tumbler Blender * Crystallisers * Dispohomo Reactor High Shear Dispersion Homogenizer * Double Rotary Tableting Press * Double Stroke Rotary Tablet Machinery * Double Stroke Rotary Tableting Machinery * Double Stroke Tablet Machinery * Double Stroke Tableting Machinery * Drum Blender * Drum Mixer Blender * Drum Mixers * Fluid Bed Drier And Processor * Fluid Bed Dryer * Fluid Bed Equipment Granulation And Pellet Coater Combo Model * Fluid Bed Equpment Processo Top Spray Granulation * Fuel Tableting Machinery * High Speed Double Sided Tablet Press * High Speed Single Sided Precompression Puv * Horizontal Granulator * Impex Pulveriser * Inline High Shear Dispersion Homogenizer * Lab Colloid Mill * Lab Multi Mill * Mass Mixer And Ribbon Mixer And Paddle Mixer * Mechanical Sifter * Mechanical Sifters * Mini Tablet Press * Mixing Tank * Multi Mill * Multi Punch Tabletting Machinery * Nauta Mixer Cone Screw Mixer * Paste Kattle * Paste Kettle * Pharma Machinery * Pharmaceutical Machinery * Planetary Mixer * Planetary Mixers * Powder Pelletizing Extruder And Pelletizer * Preparation Vessel Reactor And Storage Tank * Products * Punch Polishing Kit * Ribbon Mixer Blender * Ribbon Vacuum Mixer Dryer * Rotary Tablet Machinery * Rotary Tableting Machinery * Roto Cone Vacuum Dryer * Semi Automatic Capsule Filling Machine * Sifters * Sigma Mixer And Kneader Mixer Z Blade * Single Rotary Tableting Press * Single Stroke Rotary Tablet Machinery * Single Stroke Rotary Tableting Machinery * Single Stroke Tablet Machinery * Single Stroke Tableting Machinery * Sterile Drum Blender * Sterilise In Place Reactors * Stirrer * Tablet Deduster * Tablet Metal Detector * Tablet Moulds And Punches * Tablet Press * Tablet Press Machinery * Tableting Machinery * Tray Dryer * Turbo Sifter * Turn Table And Unscrumbler * Ultra Vacuum Mixer Vacuum Homogenizer Mixer Vacuum Emulsion Mixer * V Blenders * Vaccum Double Cone Blender * Vacuum Homogenizer Mixer And Vacuum Emulsion Mixer * Vertical Drum Blender * Vibro Deduster * Vibro Shifter * Vibro Sifter * Vibro Sifters * Visual Bottle Inspection Machine * Gyro Sifter * Conta Blender * Automatic Coating System * Pharmaceutical Machinery (Multi Mill) * Pharma. Machinery (Mechanical Sifters) * Pharmaceutical Machinery (Planetary Mixers) * Pharmaceutical Machinery (Sifters) * Pharma. Machinery (Sifters) * Pharmaceutical Machinery (Mechanical Sifters) * Pharma. Machinery (Multi Mill) * Pharma. Machinery (Planetary Mixers) * Tablet Dies And Punches * Tablet Dies Punches * Pharma. Machinery (Tablet Dies And Punches) * Pharmaceutical Machinery (Tablet Moulds And Punches) * Tablet Tooling * Fuel Tableting Machines * Coal Tableting Machines * Pharmaceutical Machinery (Tableting Machinery) * Rotary Tablet Press Machines * Pharma. Machinery (Tableting Machines) * Tableting Machines * Single Sided Rotary Tableting Machines